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Winner of April's monthly drawing for $50 gift card announced!

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Hey everyone, Bob Considine with Considine Sharer & Associates, your Allstate insurance agency. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy at home. As you probably know, one of the greatest compliments a business can receive is a referral or recommendation from one of its existing customers, and we get quite a few of those each month. As a thank you to those customers, we do a $50 Visa gift card drawing every month. Tonight what I thought I would do is actually shoot a quick video doing the drawing, so here we go. And this month's winner is number eight. Number eight is Keith Cocozza. Keith, thanks so much for referring us. Congratulations. Your $50 Visa gift card is on its way. Thanks everyone. Have a great night.

Call Considine, Sharer, and Associates in Forked River NJ at 609-971-8300

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Winner of April's monthly drawing for $50 gift card announced!

Hey everyone, Bob Considine with Considine Sharer & Associates, your Allstate insurance agency. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy at home. As you probably know, one of the greatest compliments a business can receive is a referral or recommendation from one of its existing customers, and we get quite a few of those each month. As a thank you to those customers, we do a $50 Visa gift card drawing every month. Tonight what I thought I would do is actually shoot a quick video doing the drawing, so here we go. And this month's winner is number eight. Number eight is Keith Cocozza. Keith, thanks so much for referring us. Congratulations. Your $50 Visa gift card is on its way. Thanks everyone. Have a great night.

Call Considine, Sharer, and Associates in Forked River NJ at 609-971-8300



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