Our agency is on a mission to raise funds to purchase a special tricycle for a local special needs student. The bike is called an AmTryke and is a modified tricycle specifically built for special needs children by Ambucs (American Business Club). This is an organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities.
AmTryke is a custom, therapeutic tricycle which creates mobility and independence for disabled children. It allows them to safely ride a tricycle like their siblings and their friends! These adapted tricycles have special features such as fixed drives and/or foot cranks for children whose physical limitations would cause them to have problems making a full pedal rotation. “Our agency wants to ensure that special needs children have the same quality of life that all children should have”.
These very, special tricycles are therapeutic in that they build the child’s skills and endurance and help some very special riders feel the freedom of riding a tricycle, some for the first time. We are aiming to raise funds to purchase the AmTryke for one special needs student and support Elks Therapeutic Bike program.
Recommend your friends, family, and co-workers to get an insurance quote from us and we’ll donate $10 for every person you recommend! It’s that easy!!!
Getting involved has never been so simple, or Free!
Providing a Special Tricycle to a Deserving Child on Crowdrise